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Delicias (“Delights”) is located in the south of Chihuahua, and it’s named after the old vineyard and cotton Estate of the same name.
Despite its short history, its fertile soil has allowed this community to flourish and it is now the most populated location in the State, now home of an important industry focused in agriculture, wine production and furniture manufacture.

Wejoytrip recommends
visit the Paleontology Museum (with more than 2000 samples from all over the state), the Mining Museum and the swimming centers; the monuments to Miguel Hidalgo, Benito Juárez and Venustiano Carranza await you, too.
Delicias offers attractive alternatives to party, with a number of bars, cafés and night clubs.
The major events of the city are the San Isidro Holiday?which takes place during the 15th of May, dedicated to the farming crops?and the Expo Delicias by the end of July.

Things to see and do
wine sampling, paleontological tourism, hiking, camping and speleology.
What to Do