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Navojoa is known for its unique flora and fauna.
Located in the Valle del Mayo, between mountains and the coast, it offers excellent tourist attractions to both national and international visitors, such as fishing, eco-tours along the sierra, beaches, and the Mayo River.
Navojoa, Sonora can be enjoyed through its exciting excursions along the Mayo RIver, the Adolfo Ruiz Cortines Dam, and the nearby beaches of the Sea of Cortes.
You can do this on kayak or boat, and marvel at the rural life and natural landscapes.
You can also rent a bike or ride a wagon, if you choose to stay on land.

Wejoytrip recommends
visiting the sierra and the desert, where you can practice rock climbing, rappel, trails, and gaze at canyons.
Adventure and excitement are guarantees.
Visit the Hu-Tezzo Museum, meaning “cave” in the Mayo tongue.
Inside you can find a reproduction of seven original cave, with art left from the ancient inhabitants of the region.
Another interesting museum we recommend is the Regional   Read +
What to Do