Nuevo León 
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Nuevo León can be found in the Northeast part of México, near the United States’ border. Industry-wise, Nuevo León is considered to be the third highest import-driven state in all of México. The state combines urbanism with nature; all across its territory, you will be able to find historic, cultural and entertainment-driven spaces. Nuevo León’s gastronomy is represented by the famous cabrito al pastor (roasted goat), grilled steak, carne seca (dried beef) with its many variations such as “atropellado” and machaca with eggs, and its unforgettable sweet traditional candies and pastries. In the state capital of Monterrey, city surrounded by several mountain chains, you will be able to enjoy a peaceful stroll in the Santa Lucía pathway, be engulfed in the passion for soccer in the new BBVA Bancomer of the Rayados Stadium or in the University Stadium of the Tigres, and practice aquatic activities in the La Boca dam. Prepare to soar the skies of Nuevo León in hang gliders, or explore the museums that retell the history of the state.

Wejoytrip recommends
visit Monterrey, an impressive industrial city full of activites and places to roam; be amazed at the panoramic views that the iconic Cerro de la Silla, an emblematic symbol of the cosmopolitan city, can give you. You will be able to walk through Fundidora Park, a place that combines   Read +
General Terán
General Terán estuvo habitado originalmente por indios de las tribus de los borrados, rayados, come-pescados y pames. ...
General Zaragoza
El nombre del municipio es en honor al general Ignacio Zaragoza, héroe nacional a partir del triunfo de los mexicanos contra los franceses en la ...
Linares - Magic Town
Es la segunda ciudad más importante de Nuevo León. Se convirtió en centro estratégico de producción, acopio y tránsito de mercancías, así ...
Capital del estado de Nuevo León, la ciudad de Monterrey es conocida también como "La Ciudad de las Montañas" por estar bordeada de la Sierra ...
Santiago - Magic Town
Ubicado a tan sólo media hora de Monterrey, este Pueblo Mágico de Nuevo León está enclavado en la Sierra Madre Oriental, dentro del paradisiaco ...
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